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SRB2 ArchPack

This a level pack add-on for SRB2 (, a Doom Legacy engine based fan-game.

All my released maps are included in this level pack, containing 11 maps: 7 single player maps, 3 multiplayer maps and 1 hidden map. It also includes some secrets to be unlocked.

The development of this level pack started on July 2008, when I released my first map, currently called Miscellaneous Trip Zone. The last map, Genesis Keep Zone 3, was added on July 2013 in my short come-back to SRB2 after a long hiatus since mid 2009.

⚠ This addon requires the game SRB2 to run! ⚠


Read the readme.txt inside the zip or go here to learn about installation and other things.

More info

If you want more details about this level pack and its development, or if you want to report a bug, please refer to the links below:
  • ArchPack Documentation on SRB2Wiki: link
  • Development and discussion topic: link
  • Development videos and experiments: link



Short disclaimer: SRB2 ( is a 3D open-source fangame that uses a modified version of the Doom Legacy engine. All material on this game is copyrighted by their respective owners, and no copyright infringement is intended. This site just promotes and inform about material that can be downloaded and used with the game, free of charge.

More downloadable SRB2 content:

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