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MCHeli content pack in the making

I've been working on some vehicles for MCHeli mod, namely a Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU, or NASA jetpack) and a motorcycle. Alpha releases soon. It's out!

A motorcycle and a MMU jetpack. Work in progress.

The MMU is ready for an alpha release. It's not in its final form as I plan to remake it with a new model and better texture. It is, so to say, a modified helicopter with very small thrust for slow movements in space.

It is meant to be used in a Galacticraft space station in mind but it will be possible to use it in the Overworld and planets with gravity, but it will be very slow.

The motorcycle is pretty still work-in-progress. I've got the basic model without the texture, it's possible to ride it alone or with a NPC or another player.

It still needs a lot of parameter tweaking and I need to figure out some mechanisms until I get it working right for an alpha release.


  • The MMU will be released first, and then the motorcycle later on, here: MCHeli content page.
  • Expect a release of Armourer's Workshop skins (scuba and astronaut gears) meanwhile. Details here.

(UPDATE 2016-08-14: MMU is out for download here)
(UPDATE 2016-08-20: Astronaut suit accessories, diving gears and life jacket are out for downloads here)
(UPDATE 2016-08-26: Satellite is out for downloads here)
(UPDATE 2016-09-18: Motorcycle is out for downloads here)
(UPDATE 2016-10-23: PlanetMinecraft release here)
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