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Here you can find all content for SRB2 available for download.

If you are looking for the SRB2 level pack addon ArckPack, see ArchPack page

Short disclaimer: SRB2 ( is a 3D open-source fangame that uses a modified version of the Doom Legacy engine. All material on this game is copyrighted by their respective owners, and no copyright infringement is intended. This site just promotes/inform about material that can be downloaded and used with the game, free of charge.

SRB2 Misc

These were scripts I made for SRB2 1.09.4 and 2.0.x. So ancient I need(ed) to port them. Releasing when I get around to doing so.

⚠ Any content here requires SRB2

  • Camera scripts for SRB2: Download
    • Installation: extract the zip file; move the scripts folder into srb2 folder. Then open cameratool.txt and follow the instructions.
    • Usage: once the script is loaded in game, press the keys assigned in Key binds section of cameratool.txt, such as U, I, O, F, G etc, K to default.
    • Videos: 2009 demo video, Seraphic Skylands Zone.
  • Egg Rock Zone 2's camera scripting pack: I doubt I can make it work in SRB2 v2.1.16 (demo video).
  • SRB2 toolbox scripts for level design, servers admin and players: not available yet.

MD2 packs:
Just discovered I still have a few 3d model thingies. I'll release them... any day:

Not downloadable content, but if you are curious to see my SRB2-based videos:

SRB2 Archive

These are 3rd-party content, things that were not made by me but I recommend playing. Most of it are old and legendary maps from 1.09.4 and 2.0.x era.

⚠ Any content here requires SRB2

  • Oceanic Cove Zone for SRB2 2.0.x - Single Player Map by 123 Runite: addon page on SRB2MB
  • The Emerald Isles - Level Pack by Kuja: addon page on SRB2MB
  • Acid Missile - Level Pack by FuriousFox: addon page on SRB2MB
  • BZ4's Pack for SRB2 2.0.x - Level Pack by BlueZero4: addon page on SRB2MB
  • EggPalace for SRB2 1.09.4 - Level pack by Someguy (*): download
  • Metal Flower for SRB2 1.09.4 - Level pack by Someguy (*): download
  • Below are material that you find only in file storage sites (*) (use them at your own risk!)
    • The Black Emerald for SRB2 1.09.4 - Level Pack by Callum: mediafire
    • Blue Heaven - Level pack by Tets, anonymously ported to SRB2 2.0 : 4shared
    • EggPalace - Single player map by Someguy, anonymously ported to SRB2 2.0 : 4shared

* - If you're the author and you want me to remove your work from this page, or if you had any problems, contact me!

More downloadable SRB2 content:

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